is yes.
Sue just gave 30-day notice on the house. She’d already called the phone company and pulled the plug. The two adult children living with us intend to be living elsewhere before the end of September.
It’s on.
If we come, they'd better build it . . .
is yes.
Sue just gave 30-day notice on the house. She’d already called the phone company and pulled the plug. The two adult children living with us intend to be living elsewhere before the end of September.
It’s on.
You. Both. Are. Awesome.
Big love.
What an amazing life story the three of you are co-authoring!
(“May the road rise to meet you…”)
Thanks, Annie! Here’s hoping you rise to meet us, too!
That’s what I said!
Be sure to bring a St. Bernard with brandy. Second thought, the dog hair might prove nettlesome. Just bring brandy.
Congrats and Godspeed to you guys.
I’d heard that the hair of the dog could be quite useful in certain situations, but I’ll bow to your superior experience (and hair style.)
My days alternate between “wooHOOO!!!” and “wha-a-a-a-a-a???”
So, it scared you when you wrote it, but you did it anyway? Sounds like the Canfields take their own medicine!
Two words: FRICKIN’ and AWESOME! Go Canfields!
Ric, I am so looking forward to tracking you down wherever you happen to be living on this globe and sharing a beverage and some talk. It’s gonna be fun, and I’ll bet nobody shows up in a suit . . .