Officially House Sitting in New Mexico

Today is the first day of our officially house sitting in Albuquerque New Mexico for the next six weeks. Our host has left for vacation. Since we’ve stayed with our host overnight as we’ve traveled several times, we’re very comfortable here. We have a nice ‘office’ to work in, a large kitchen to cook in, a nice living room for Joel to set his music up in so he can play and record.

Fiona has her own room and bathroom as do we. There’s a huge backyard for Fiona to play in. There’s a garden I can tend and roses to enjoy. It’s in a quiet neighborhood within walking distance of the store. The library isn’t far so we’ll be able to visit there regularly.

Our house sitting responsibilities include:

  • Bringing in the mail daily
  • Feeding the cats and checking their water and litter
  • Feeding the fish
  • Watering the garden and outside plants
  • Mowing the lawn
  • Keeping the house tidy and clean, vacuum the carpets, etc.
  • Replenishing any paper products or foods we may use

The only negative thing right now is that there are huge fires burning in Arizona and we’re getting some of that smoke, particularly in the evenings. Which means we close up the house so the smoke doesn’t come in. Since the house is cooled with a swamp cooler, it also has to stay off so it doesn’t bring the smoke in from outside. So it can get a bit warm in the evenings.

Otherwise, we’re enjoying beautiful days here in New Mexico!

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