Settling (Sort of) in Arizona

We’re settling, sort of, in Arizona. San Tan Valley to be precise. In March of 2016 my oldest daughter and son-in-law moved from California to Tucson. After much family discussion we decided it was best to move closer to them so Fiona could be nearer her best friend – her big sister! Especially during her teen years. So in June 2016 we left Wisconsin to move to Arizona.

It wasn’t easy. Fiona even had to think twice about leaving the beautiful snowy winters in Wisconsin to live in hot, dry Arizona. We all loved the snow, winter, the seasons in Wisconsin! Arizona though did have her big sister, Joel’s good friend Terry, my aunt, uncle, and cousin. The drier weather would probably be good for my rheumatoid arthritis. So we made plans and moved.

After staying with our good friends, Terry & Virgie, for a couple of months, we found the place we’re now living in. We do like the house and where it’s located – far away from the bustle of the big city of Phoenix. Close enough to take Fiona to visit her big sister monthly instead of only once a year. We’ve made some really, really good friends.

We did go back to Wisconsin last August to get some relief from the heat – and visited all our friends there that we missed as well as Joel’s mom and my son James. We plan to do that again this year.

Arizona does have its own beauty – like these beautiful days when the sky is so blue and the clouds puffy white. For now, we’re settling here. So far, so good.

Sue’s Famous Lemon Pie Bar Recipe

I’ve made these several times for people and always get great compliments!

Lemon Pie Bars
2-1/4 C flour
1/2 C confectioners sugar
1 C butter flavored Crisco
4 eggs
1-1/2 C white sugar
1/2 lemon juice (use freshly squeezed lemons – about 6)
1 Tbsp. lemon zest

Preheat oven to 350. Use 9×13 glass pan
Mix 2 C flour and confectioners sugar together. Cut in Crisco. Mix well. Press into baking pan.
Bake 15-20 minutes
Beat together eggs, sugar, 4 TB flour, lemon juice and zest for 1 minute. Pour over baked crust.
Bake 20 minutes or until set. When cool, sprinkle w/confectioners sugar.

Our Homemade Bread Recipe

broiled bread
Top and bottom of broiled bread

We love making our own homemade bread and I keep forgetting to put the recipe online here in an obvious place. So here goes.

Canfield’s Homemade Bread Recipe

3/4 cup hot water (just boiled)
3/4 cup cool water (room temperature)

Add 1 tbsp. sugar and 1-1/8 tsp salt. Dissolve and mix thoroughly. Add 1-1/2 tspn. yeast and let set for 5-10 minutes.

Add 2 cups white flour and 1-1/2 cups wheat flour. Add any spices or herbs you may want. Combine thoroughly.

Let rise for 1 hour. Punch down. Shape. Let rise another hour.

Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.


Heading Out West in 2014

It’s been nine months since we’ve traveled out West. Last May we went out to Phoenix, San Diego, and the Sacramento area. We were able to visit lots of friends and family. We’ve been feeling the itch to travel some again and see our very good friends in Phoenix and my married daughter in Sacramento.

Alex Zabala's websiteSo we’re heading out West in March. And we’re making it a business trip to meet with other authors, a couple of clients, and possibly do a couple of presentations for writers.

We’ll be visiting Alex Zabala and his wife in Phoenix. Alex is author of Treasure of the Mayan King and The Golden Scepter. Last May when we were there he was celebrating 5 hundred copies sold of Treasure of the Mayan King. Last month, January 2014, he celebrated 5 thousand copies sold!

Then we’ll visit with our very good friends, Terry & Virgie. Terry is a musician and Joel always loves playing with him and his band.

While in Phoenix, at some point, we’ll also have an opportunity to meet Larry Brooks, author of Story Engineering, a book Joel recommends to authors. Yet another contact in Albuquerque may be able to set up something for Joel to present to a book club.

On our way to see Rachelle in the Sacramento area, we’ll have a night in Santa Barbara, California to meet up with another author, Lynelle Paulick.

And if we can convince Tom Bentley – editor extraordinaire – not to do an overseas house sitting gig, maybe we’ll stop by and see him while we’re in California.

It should be a lot of fun! Join us on another adventure!

Two Birds – One Stone

Yesterday we had a two-for-one experience. Since our good friend Rod lives about an hour from the friends we are staying with in Phoenix and Joel’s Uncle Bill and his wife live about an hour in the opposite direction, they all met us partway at an Applebee’s to visit. So we were able to visit with Rod who we hadn’t seen in 10 years and Sue was able to meet Joel’s Uncle Bill who he hadn’t seen in over 40 years!

Bill and Joel

It was great to visit with everyone at once and even find out that Rod and Bill had mutual friends. We really hope we can come back sooner than later and visit with them all again.

Rod and Joel

Today is our last day in Phoenix and we’ll be seeing Sue’s Uncle Phil and family and then staying the last night with author Alex Zabala and his wife again before heading Monday morning for San Diego.

Eunice, Bill and Fiona

It’s Not a Vacation! We’re Working When We Travel

So we took this whole month of May to travel from our home in Wisconsin down to Phoenix, out to San Diego, up to Northern California, and end up back up June 1. The main purpose is so we can pick up more of our stuff from storage in Roseville, California. However, since we know so many people, friends and family, in Phoenix, San Diego, and Roseville, we are taking time to visit with them as we travel.

But it’s not a vacation! No, we are working while we travel. We are still doing all our usual stuff. I work as a Virtual Assistant managing client’s social media marketing, newsletters, and blogs and am continuing to do so. We have a web design business we are continuing to run and in fact have received new work as we’ve been traveling.

And Joel’s book coaching and publishing business, Someday Box, has continued. We have one client in the final stages of editing her book, another in the U.K. that we’re working on formatting the interior of his book (in fact we had an international call with him yesterday), and yet another that signed up for the Pathfinding Session and Road Map. We had an hour call with her last Monday while here in Arizona and have scheduled another one this next Tuesday while we’re in San Diego.

So for us it’s business as usual – we did spend 18 months living as nomads with no fixed place of residence traveling and working. It’s no different now except we do have a fixed place of residence and travel less than we did.

When we do take a vacation, we’ll let you know. We do take the last two weeks of the year off from work. This year we may just end up in Arizona for most of that time. Perhaps visiting our friends and family here and taking time to see Oak Creek Canyon, Sedona, and Jerome. We did spend out honeymoon in Oak Creek Canyon and this December will be our 10th wedding anniversary!

And this trip we are getting to connect with lots of friends and family – in Phoenix it’s been Terry & Virgie, Dan & Annete, Rod on Saturday, and Sunday Sue’s Uncle Phil. In San Diego we’ll see Sue’s mom, Joel’s brother Brett and his family and Joel’s sister Lynn and her family. Also our good friend Ken. Then it’s up to Northern California to see Tom Bentley, Dave Reffkin, Pam & Phil, the Stephens family, and of course Fiona’s big sister Rachelle!

The final four days of our trip heading home Fiona and Sue will get to drive through Idaho, Montana, and North Dakota – all states they’ve never been in before. Oh, and we’re driving through Yosemite. So that will feel like a vacation – though Sue does have a big transcription project she needs to get finished that week as well. That’s when having a colleague comes in handy. Sue is very grateful to Amy in New Jersey for all the assistance she’s providing in that area.

So, don’t ask how our vacation was! We weren’t on vacation! We were traveling and working and having the time of our lives! Don’t you wish you could do this?

Air Conditioning Goes Out in the Van in Arizona!

air conditionerSo we’re here visiting our friends Terry & Virgie in Phoenix, Arizona and it’s been 100 degrees out! And the air conditioning in our van goes out yesterday. We don’t do heat so there’s no way we’re finishing this trip without air conditioning.

Fortunately, Terry & Virgie know a good local mechanic who can fix the whole thing for $600.  And before we need to leave for San Diego on Sunday.

That, coincidentally, is exactly TWO of our “Ready, Set, Go!” Instant Blogging packages.

So if you know someone who needs a blog, you should tell them about this, shouldn’t you?

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Music in Mesa, Arizona with Terry & Virgie

Last night we were once again at Terry & Virgie’s where music was being played at their home by them and their young friends. Fiona made friends with an 8-year old boy named Ezra. My dad’s father’s name was Ezra.

We’re looking forward to this next week with Terry & Virgie and hopefully again on Thursday evening everyone will get together again to play some music.

music in mesa at the wilson's

Party to Celebrate 500 Copies Sold!

Last night we had a party at Alex Zabala’s home to celebrate 500 copies sold of his book, Treasure of the Mayan King. His co-author, Dyego Alehandro, attended along with his wife.

Joel, Alex, Dyego
Joel, Alex, DyegoJoel, Alex, Dyego

So what is the book about? According to their website:

A violent tropical storm has uncovered a previously unknown Mayan pyramid in the Yucatan Peninsula. On the steps of this temple lies a riddle that leads to the hidden treasure of a great Mayan king. One man, the French linguist Dr. Sova, believes he knows the secrets of the riddle. But his efforts to find it are cut short and the information falls into the hands of unscrupulous people. The race is on to see who will be the first to find the treasure of the Mayan king!

You can download a free sample and buy the ebook for only .99!