My Daughter is Coming to Visit in August!

The last time we saw Rachelle in person was one year ago in August when we visited for a few days. Though Rachelle and Fiona have stayed in touch by phone and e-cards, they are so looking forward to seeing each other in person next month when Rachelle comes to Wisconsin for a visit.

Fiona and I have been talking about what they’ll do.

1. Spend nearly a whole day at the Rice Lake Public Library! Besides books to read and fun computer games to play, they have puzzles, dress up stuff, and a play market.

2. Go to Culver’s for frozen custard. They use Wisconsin dairy. Wonder what the flavor of the day will be when they go…

3. Spend some time at the lake and the park near the lake.

And just have a lot of fun!

Rachelle and Fiona at Rachelle's wedding reception

What a Great Day!

We had a leisurely drive from Sutherland Nebraska to Longmont Colorado today. Joel and I finished reading and discussing Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work and started his book The War of Art. It inspired lots of great conversation and we learned more about ourselves and each other.

We arrived in Boulder to be able to take the tour again at Celestial Seasonings and see the factory in action as well as enjoy some tea. We then visited the Leanin’ Tree Museum again where we enjoyed some beautiful art. After that we bought ourselves some food to make a great chicken salad and ate dinner by Lake McIntosh.

And best of all I read my older daughter’s beautiful blog post about my being her mom. It’s very rewarding to know that I made such an impact on my daughter’s life.

What a great day!

Our Daughter’s Wedding Day and the Music CD

The gorgeous bride!
The gorgeous bride!
It’s over. It’s a relief that all went well. It was a very beautiful and simple wedding. The reception afterwards was very nice as well. I even managed not to cry too much.

There were two times when my daughter Rachelle and I shed a few tears together yesterday. Once was just before the ceremony. I was telling Rachelle that I wanted to make sure she said goodbye before she left the reception because this was the last time I was going to see her for a while. We both got choked up and started to cry. We looked at the matron-of-honor and said, ‘Quick. Tell us something funny so we can laugh instead.’ Which she did and we were able to carry on. :)

The second time was as we were getting ready to leave the reception.