Working Location Independent

Today has been a typical day for our family. Except we can do it as a location independent family. We did all the usual things we do when we’re living in our rented home in California – except we were able to do it from New Westminster British Columbia from the home were we’re house sitting and dog sitting.

We had our usual breakfast and lunch and the usual routine in Fiona’s non-school day. Well, we do have to make sure the dog eats and gets out regularly. Fiona loves that!

Sue was able to send out two client newsletters, Joel and Sue both had client coaching calls via Skype, updates were made to client websites, and preparations were made for next week’s group coaching call for virtual assistants. All the same things we would have done if we were in our home in California. But we aren’t tied down there as we are able to work from virtually anywhere as long as we have internet access. It’s great!

Would you like to work as a location independent virtual worker?