Today in Arlington Washington

So we finally arrived yesterday evening at Brad and Kristy’s house. We had great salmon for dinner and our friend  from Triiibes Rex came over from Everett to visit. Joel played a little music and then we got a great night’s sleep.

By the way, the rest stops in Washington are great! You can get free coffee and yesterday Fiona got a free cookie.

So we’re catching up on rest, emails, etc. today. Fiona is still waiting for her tooth to fall  out and is carrying around a plastic baggie to put it in when it does.

Tomorrow it’s Canada! Hope the border crossing goes smoothly.


  1. I expected the border crossing to be simpler than going from San Diego to Tijuana, which I’ve done hundreds of times in my youth, but I didn’t expect it to be a complete non-event. The officer seemed to want to ask questions, but wasn’t particularly concerned about the content or completeness of my answers.

    Perhaps he could tell that the guy who kept asking his wife “I don’t know, are we leaving anything here when we go home? I don’t know, how much money do we have? I don’t know, where are we staying?” probably wasn’t planning anything nefarious. Or planning anything at all, come to think of it.

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