Missing the Pitter Patter of Little Feet and the Welcome Home

Yesterday  Brodie the canine left with his family to Van Isle. We miss him. We keep expecting to hear his gentle whine waking us up in the morning or to hear the pitter patter of his little feet on the stairs or hardwood floor. When we got home last night there was no welcome home from Brodie.

When we first found out we were going to be dog sitting as well as house  sitting, we weren’t sure how it would work out. We haven’t owned a pet in years and thought perhaps the daily care of a dog, making sure he was fed, had water, took his walks, would be challenging and cut into our time. We were wrong. Fiona loved making sure he had food and water, and I looked forward to our early morning walks.

So, yes, we miss Brodie! Do you hear that Brodie? We miss you!


  1. He heard. Ian read the post to him.

    At the moment his “cousin dog” is putting him in his place from time to time and he’s probably wishing he was home with his new family!

    However, today included some favourite people (my sister and niece) and an off-leash romp through the forest … including a pond of ducks, a stream, a clear pool of spring water to wade in, and a nice long drive with the humans he used to believe would never abandon him. Things are probably well in the world of Brodie.

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