Dinner and Friends

We’ve made new, lifelong friends while in New Westminster. Dan and Heather O’Keefe had us over for dinner earlier in the month. We met their daughter Shannon and her husband Cyprian that night and their two girls. Fiona and the girls got along very well and they are her new best friends. We’ll definitely be staying in touch!

Last night Shannon and Cyprian had us over and Cyprian grilled hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs for dinner. Shannon made rice and salad with toasted walnuts. The girls played at the park, in their bedrooms, watched a movie and played some marbles. We had a wonderful time and know we’ll keep in touch.


  1. I’m still in awe of the privilege we have of going anywhere in the world and having instant lifelong friends.

    What a wild coincidence, too, that Shannon has a brother who lives in the Sacramento area.

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