House Sitting in Ottawa in August

It’s confirmed. We will be house sitting in August in Ottawa Canada. We’re looking forward to seeing friends in Ottawa and maybe even heading over to Montreal to say hi to some friends. Then there’s other musician friends in Toronto. Should be fun.

This house sitting thing is picking up. We’re leaving our current house sitting gig in Arizona on Saturday and arriving on Sunday at our next gig in Colorado. June and July we house sit in New Mexico and now Ottawa in August.

If you need a house sitter anytime from September forward, you’d better contact us soon before our schedule fills up!

Streamlining, Paring, Tossing and We have to go!

So I’ve been working on streamlining our possessions. I’ve pared down the clothing quite a bit, tossed a bunch of trash, took 12 bags of clothing to Goodwill today. There’s lots more to go. I’ve been holding on to clothing for years that no longer fit or are worn or that don’t have as much sentimental value as I thought. Gone!

Fiona, our six-year old, is very excited about going to Canada for our trip in August. She knows it’s still tentative for a little while longer. She also knows we’ll be staying with a family that have a dog and Fiona says, “We have to go!” She wants to take care of the dog.

Don’t let Fiona down! Help her get to Canada to take care of the doggie. :)