Our Daughter’s Wedding Day and the Music CD

The gorgeous bride!
The gorgeous bride!
It’s over. It’s a relief that all went well. It was a very beautiful and simple wedding. The reception afterwards was very nice as well. I even managed not to cry too much.

There were two times when my daughter Rachelle and I shed a few tears together yesterday. Once was just before the ceremony. I was telling Rachelle that I wanted to make sure she said goodbye before she left the reception because this was the last time I was going to see her for a while. We both got choked up and started to cry. We looked at the matron-of-honor and said, ‘Quick. Tell us something funny so we can laugh instead.’ Which she did and we were able to carry on. :)

The second time was as we were getting ready to leave the reception.

A Song to Start the Trips

Every time we get in the car to drive, we have to pick out CDs to play. Listening to music while we drive is one of our favorite things to do as a family. Fiona even sings along quietly and sometimes requests specific songs or asks us to replay a particular song.

It’s become our tradition to start each new leg of our trip with “Mario Takes a Walk” by Jesse Cook. It’s a lively instrumental that gets us into the right frame of mind for the long haul.

What’s your favorite music CD to play in the car while driving?