Fiona’s Little Tree at The Green House

When Fiona was almost 2 we moved from an apartment to a house. That’s the house she lived in until we started living a nomadic lifestyle a few months ago when she was 6-1/2. So it’s the only place she remembers. It’s her childhood home, even though it was only rented. It’s a pale green and she still refers to ‘the green house’ and how she misses it.

In the front yard is a small tree. We still don’t know what kind it is. It’s grown a bit in the nearly 5 years we lived there. It’s just started to get blossoms again. It will get green leaves and then the branches fall over, nearly touching the ground, much like a willow. Yet I know it’s not a willow.

There’s also a tall magnolia in the front yard. Joel would sometimes pick a magnolia flower and bring it in and the house would smell so nice. Anyhow, the small tree became Fiona’s. She would get pictures taken in front of it and stand under it when she was smaller. It was something special to her.

So when we moved on she really missed the tree. This trip back we had to get a picture or two of her with her tree. Enjoy the pictures!

P.S. If you can identify the tree, please let us know!

Fiona loves her tree!
And the green house