This trip to San Diego has been more challenging that I expected. First there was the major issue of coming to take mom in for knee surgery and helping her with follow up visits for physical therapy. Once we leave this Thursday, mom will depend on other family and friends to help her get to her appointments.
Then there’s the challenge of having internet access. We’re staying with a friend of my mom’s who does not have any internet access. That means we have to go out each day to find it. That usually means a Starbuck’s or Panera Bread. Today it meant coming to the local public library. Which is fairly quiet and the staff here is very friendly.
Going out for internet access is even more challenging this week due to the days of tremendous rain here in San Diego! It just keeps coming and coming. It’s no fun going out in the wet and dreary weather.
Yesterday on top of it all I had a bout of something with my stomach. It’s much better today though.
So all in all it’s been a challenging week. Yes, we are getting things done – work, helping mom, showing Fiona some places we’ve been when we lived here for so many years. I’m looking forward though to being settled in one place again for a bit that has reliable internet access.